NIHON KOHDEN Life Scope iNIBP Measurement

Category: Product Feature Review, iNIBP in Life Scope monitors, including BSM-1700 series and GZ-140P

NIHON KOHDEN iNIBP is old stuff in the market
NIHON KOHDEN iNIBP means making NIBP measurement during the cuff-inflation phase and this is an old technique pioneered by Colin Corporation based in Komaki, Japan. Colin Corporation was a business partner supplying single lumen NIBP hardware to Nihon Kohden Corporation for use on older Life Scope 8000 series patient monitors.
A modular Life Scope 8000 series patient monitor

The conventional algorithm for measuring NIBP is to inflate the cuff pressure to a pre-set pressure above the patient's systolic pressure, and gradually stepping it down to first obtain the systolic and continue until it is below the diastolic pressure to successfully obtain both the systolic and diastolic pressures of the patient in about 30 to 40 seconds. Thus, both readings are obtained when the cuff pressure is being deflated.

Deflation-phase NIBP and Inflation-phase NIBP measurement methods

To speed up and reduce the measurement time, it is possible to employ a different algorithm to measure systolic and diastolic pressures while the cuff is being inflated. The "i" in iNIBP therefore refers to NIBP measurement algorithm employed during the cuff Inflating phase instead of the usual cuff deflating phase.
The Benefits of using Inflation-Phase Algorithm, on condition of accuracy, are two.

The measurement is completed in the inflation phase and this reduces the measurement time needed to obtain a reading.

Since the cuff does not need to be inflated higher than necessary and the pressure is immediately released during deflation phase, it is more comfortable for the patient. It is not necessary to increase the cost of the cuff by using expensive material to improve patient comfort.

Welch Allyn already introduced SureBP NIBP Technology in 2006
Measurement speed is important for vital sign monitors (i.e. spot monitors) and way back in 2006 Welch Allyn was already known to have introduced their SureBP NIBP TECHNOLOGY to the vital sign portfolio using inflation phase algorithm and claimed the measurement could be completed in 15 seconds. Welch Allyn did not claim to be the first to use this technique.
SureBP NIBP Technology was introduced in 2006

NIHON KOHDEN made clear iNIBP Measurement Can be Unsuccessful
It should be noted the success of a Nihon Kohden iNIBP measurement requires the use of special YAWARA CUFF 2 type NIBP cuff for performance delivery; Yawara cuff (without the 2) or other cuffs are not recommended for the task.
Measurement is not a sure thing, and the machine will revert back to the conventional method to accomplish its task when encountering difficulty. If this happens, it will take a much longer time to obtain the NIBP measurement since you have to add the iNIBP measurement time to the conventional method. Also, do check the prices of Yawara cuff 2 prices to have a realistic assessment.
The market is not impressed, and expecting Nihon Kohden iNIBP measurment to use only ordinary cuffs.
Some Yawara cuff 2 even do not make it

In addition to using special cuffs, we also understand 5cm and 7cm YAWARA CUFF 2 (meant for Infant and Children) are too small for iNIBP use and these sizes must only use the deflation measurement algorithm.